The Universal Carbon Registry (UCR) Standard and Platform aims to introduce better carbonomics with the next-generation model of mining voluntary non-compliance carbon credits from a wide range of green projects that is far more efficient, faster, cheaper, de-centralized in transfer and convenient for every small green project owner aiming to decarbonize the economy.
The UCR, issues voluntary non-compliance carbon credits called carbon offset units (CoUs), to projects that result in the destruction, avoidance or reduction of GHG emissions in the atmosphere, and to certain carbon sequestration initiatives. UCR has designed and reset the eligibility criteria to reward sustainable development, with rules that are standardized and facilitates carbon finance/capital flows in the traditional as well as emerging smart contract conversion (CoU Token) tokenomics post issuance of the carbon credits on the registry.
In general, UCR requires that projects exceed regulatory requirements, are commissioned on or after 01 January 2002, are verifiable and must be currently operational. UCR Rules allow projects from domestic and international markets (countries in Africa, Asia etc, except Annex 1 countries) and other GHG programs provided no double counting occurs. All UCR mitigation activities have prescriptive eligibility, evaluation and verification requirements as set out in our approved positive project list protocol requirements outlined in the UCR Standard.
Our UCR Standard allows for early action projects and ability to monetize carbon credits from the year 2013 onwards. In keeping with the current global carbon guidelines, entry into the UCR system is seamless and on par for small and large scale project owners. The UCR registry does not approve or reject any peer-to peer trades, nor charge holders of carbon credits any fees for opening or maintaining accounts (third party auditing/verification fees are excluded). Our simplified and decentralized fee structure is linked to a one time fixed project registration fee and to the carbon credits mined successfully by each owner (our fees are 3.75-4.5% of the total carbon credits mined, auto deducted- involving no cash exchange in the process, thereby increasing the speed of issuance or release of carbon credits to account holders).
Our approach to mining carbon credits from projects addresses the “Do no harm or Impact” additionality test. None of the projects being mined on the UCR platform have any negative development impacts i.e. community or environment. We are moving on from asking if a project would not have happened otherwise (debating a counterfactual), to supporting a project that adds environmental, social, and governance standards (ESG) as a key basis for the UCR platform, while accepting quality green projects from a predefined list of activities. All our projects avoid coal or any other fossil fuel in its implementation. None of our projects involve buffering carbon credits as an insurance for future calamities.